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©Forêt sous le brouillard|F. Soler - OTI Mende
Dive back into the past...

At the time of Gevaudan

Sculpture Bête MalzieuSculpture Bête Malzieu
©Sculpture Bête Malzieu

From Gévaudan to Lozère…

The term Gévaudanrefers to the former royal province, replaced during the French Revolution by the department of the Lozère.

Geographically, Lozère has kept almost the same contours.
The canton of Saugues (in the North) which belonged to Gévaudan, was attached to the department of Haute-Loire after the French revolution. On the other hand, the cantons of Meyrueis and Villefort, which did not belong to the former province, were attached to the department of Lozère.

It is a land of myths and legends where stories have often left their mark on history.

The Heritage of Lozère
