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The Church of La Rouvière

Today Uncle Fernand goes to discover the Church of Rouvière, on the commune of Pelouse.

By Emmanuelle

The Zoom Sur are articles from our old blog telling the peregrinations of Uncle Fernand,
a curious Lozerian and very attached to his land.

The time has come to give the identity of our real writers.

We all stood in awe of this 11th century Romanesque church.
The building was classified a historical monument in 1973.
The exterior architecture of the church is perfectly proportioned.

Inside one can see magnificent sculptures composed of foliage and scrolls; a fresco with the theme of the Holy Scriptures.
This fresco has been covered several times with plaster and updated a few years ago.
It represents Christ in majesty seated on the throne surrounded by the tetramorph, symbol of the four evangelists.
In this church is also a black virgin made of wood and dressed in a cape. According to tradition it dates back to the time of the crusades. She carries on her chest the baby Jesus.

You can find more information about Jean du Born and its particularities on the website of the Pays d’Art et d’Histoire.

Collection Pays d’art & d’histoire

This association of 22 communes has for main vocation to valorize the local heritage.
The Pays d’art et d’histoire “Mende & Lot en Gévaudan” proposes to the inhabitants as well as to the tourists, visits, conferences, festival and various guides.
We propose to illustrate the patrimonial richness of the Pays d’art et d’histoire of “Mende & Lot en Gévaudan” through our special collection of patrimonial.
